Faith & Freedom Coalition Accomplishments in 2019 and Expectations for 2020

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Faith & Freedom Coalition began 2020 with a celebration of the remarkable achievements of 2019. The organization reached over 5 million voters and hosted the Road to Majority conference, the premier national event for people of faith and conservative activists. This year, Faith & Freedom Coalition aims to surpass these accomplishments through its 2020: Roadmap to Victory Project. The goal of the project is to win back the House and keep hold of the White House by staging the largest evangelical get-out-the-vote effort in history. 

“2019 once again showed us that when evangelical voters turn out in large numbers, conservatives win elections,” said Faith & Freedom Executive Director Tim Head. “Faith & Freedom volunteers across the country helped galvanize voters of faith to go to the polls and put like-minded leaders in office. We’re confident that we can make an even bigger impact in 2020, empowering more conservative leaders to renew our nation’s promise in the coming decade.”

Faith & Freedom Coalition urged 5,526,316 voters to cast their ballot in 2019. Volunteers all over the country knocked on 60,810 doors, sent 740,817 mailings, distributed 635,500 voter guides to 2,556 churches and made over 2 million digital impressions. These efforts contributed to the victories of Reps. Dan Bishop and Greg Murphy in the special elections held in North Carolina’s ninth and third congressional districts. Additionally, FFC’s annual Road to Majority Conference drew over 1,500 grassroots activists and welcomed special guests President Trump and Vice President Pence.

The 2020 Project is projected to boost these metrics significantly, reflecting the higher stakes of the presidential election. Faith & Freedom Coalition seeks to get 18 million voters to the polls, register 5 million new voters and send over 100 million pieces of voter mail.

To learn more about the Faith & Freedom Coalition, visit To be a part of the 2020 Project, visit

About the Faith & Freedom Coalition

The Faith and Freedom Coalition is a national grassroots movement of over one million conservatives and people of faith in support of time-honored values, stronger families, and individual freedom. Learn more about Faith & Freedom at

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