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Tim Head Op-Ed Featured in Newsweek

Pro-Abortion Men Should Not Dictate Abortions, an op-ed by Tim Head, executive director of Faith & Freedom, argues:

Excluding men from the abortion debate is arbitrary and unjust. Abortion affects the entire human family. The women in my life have shaped me into who I am today. Even though I was adopted at birth myself, I still am my adoptive mother’s son, my grandmothers’ grandson, my wife’s husband, and my two daughters’ father. They have influenced me as much as I have influenced them. For that matter, even though I have never met my biological mother, her decision to carry me to term has influenced my very existence more than any other decision touching my own life. I will never be able to adequately repay her for that. 

Read Tim’s op-ed: Pro-Abortion Men Should Not Dictate Abortions , on Newsweek’s website.

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