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Supreme Court abortion pill ruling will shape the 2024 election

The Washington Examiner recently published an article featuring a quote from Tim Head, executive director of the Faith & Freedom Coalition. 

“We really try to be very respectful of these complex situations, but also still principled in our kind of bedrock stances that we do believe that every life is valuable,” said Timothy Head, executive director of the Faith and Freedom Coalition. “Some pro-life groups can be divisive, there are definitely plenty of pro-choice groups that will be very divisive, but we try to do everything we can to make this as healing a process as possible.”
Head cited the example of Nevada Republican Senate candidate Sam Brown, whose wife, Amy Brown, opened up about her abortion and the grueling healing process that followed as an example of the compassion needed over the abortion debate.
“I actually think that there are compassionate ways to talk about this story without being either dogmatic or didactic,” Head said. “And so that’s our preferred approach from a messaging standpoint.”
Read the full article in the Washington Examiner

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