People of Faith Celebrate Trump Administration Ruling On Religious Liberty & Ban On Taxpayer Funding of Abortion

Duluth, GA – Faith & Freedom Coalition Chairman Ralph Reed issued the following statement concerning the Departments of Health and Human Services, Treasury, and Labor announcement of two companion interim final rules that provide conscience protections to Americans who have a religious or moral objection to paying for health insurance that covers contraceptive and abortifacient services.

“After eight years in which the Obama administration trampled on the First Amendment rights of people of faith, persecuted Christians who objected to taking innocent human life, and dragging the Little Sisters of the Poor to court, it is a relief to finally have a President who protects and defends freedom of speech and religion. President Donald J. Trump and his administration have once again delivered on his promise to protect religious liberty and serve as a pro-life President with today’s ruling that will end regulations forcing faith-based charities to subsidize medical services to which they object as a matter of their faith in God, and ensuring that public funds are not used to provide abortions.”

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