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Road to Majority 2024 – Sponsorship

About the Road to Majority Policy Conference

The “Road to Majority” policy conference is one of the premier events for people of faith and conservative activists. In 2024, we expect over 2,000 grassroots activists from across the country to be in attendance. The purpose of the conference is to energize, train, and equip our top activists and chapter leaders on voter registration, voter education, get-out-the-vote, lobbying their legislature, dealing with the media, building a precinct organization, and utilizing social media to mobilize supporters. We want them to leave this conference prepared to bring about a pro-family majority in Washington and in every state capitol.


Partner with us on the Road to Majority and join us in investing in the future of America!


Sponsorship Price
Platinum $75,000
Gold $45,000
Silver $20,000
Bronze $10,000
Sponsor Plus $5,000
Sponsor/Exhibitor $2,500

VIP Tickets

VIP Patriot Ticket $15,000
VIP Freedom Ticket $7,500

Program Advertising Opportunities

Program Ad Back Cover $5,000
Program Ad Full Page $1,500
Program Ad Half Page $1,000
Program Ad Quarter Page $500