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Ralph Reed Statement On Shooting at Pittsburgh Synagogue

Duluth, GA – Faith & Freedom Coalition Chairman Ralph Reed issued the following statement in response to the tragic shooting today at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

“Today’s shooting at a Pittsburgh synagogue demonstrates that virulent, violent anti-Semitism remains a serious problem in the U.S. and the world at large. We condemn this hateful act of violence on a sacred place of worship of the Jewish faith and vow as Christians to oppose and defeat anti-Semitism in all its ugly forms.”

“All these senseless acts of violence are a painful reminder that democracy is fragile and there is evil in this world. This is not who we are as a nation. The millions of Americans already peacefully voting and working on behalf of issues and candidates in love for their country and hope for a better future is the best way to combat this present darkness. I also urge all Americans to pray for civil peace and God’s blessing on our country and its leaders, including and especially those of the opposing party.”

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