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Podcast with David Brody discusses role of faith in 2010 elections

David Brody CBN News I recently did a Podcast interview for the series called “Research on Religion”. The interview was conducted by Tony Gill, professor of political science at the University of Washington. You can listen to it here. I discuss the role religion played in the 2010 midterm US elections as well as a myriad of other topics including the changes within the religious and political landscape over the last few years and the role of Evangelicals within the Tea Party movement. Here is how Professor Gill describes his Research on Religion Podcast series: “Our goal for this podcast series is to make scholarly research on religion interesting, relevant and accessible to a broad audience. We intend this audience to include other scholars, clergy members and anyone else who has an interest in religion.  The conversational format of our podcast is designed to facilitate a jargon-free discussion of major topics within the social scientific study of religion.”

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