Maryland School District Drops all Religious Holidays

The War on Christmas is still raging in America.  The school board of Montgomery County, Maryland has decided to remove all religious holidays- including Christmas, Easter, and Yom Kippur- from the school calendar.  The decision is the result of urging from Muslim families to close schools for two Muslim holidays.  Instead of adding the holidays to the calendar, the school board opted to do away with all religious holidays and become “religion neutral”.   According to Rebecca Smondrowski, a member of the school board, “This seems the most equitable option.”

FFC Exectutive Director Tim Head stated about the issue, “For generations in America, the crispness of autumn and the turning of leaves signaled the advent of our celebration of our most cherished holidays. But in recent years, November seems to bring with it an annual pronouncement somewhere that holidays symbolizing gratitude, love, and reconciliation are somehow exclusive and unacceptable. This year seems to be no different in Maryland. I hope the people of Montgomery County will communicate to their school board members that they still want their glad tidings of joy to be heard in the halls of their schools.”

Contact the Montgomery County, Maryland school board and urge them to reinstate the religious holidays!

Write: Montgomery County Public Schools
Carver Educational Services Center
850 Hungerford Drive, Room 123
Rockville, Maryland 20850

Phone: (301) 279-3617

Click here to read more on this issue.

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