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Join Us at the March for Life

The Faith & Freedom Coalition will be joining thousands of other pro-life Americans at the annualMarch for Life in Washington, D.C. on January 25th.  Join us as we march together down the Mall to the Supreme Court building in support of life! For more information on the March for Life, click here. The Rally will be from 12:00 PM-1:30 PM, followed by the march to the Supreme Court building.  At 11:00 AM, FFC will gather together at the rally location on the National Mall, between 7th and 9th streets, under the “Faith & Freedom Coalition” banner.  If you would like to join FFC at the March for Life, contact Deputy National Field Director, Robert Potts at   This march will mark the 40th Anniversary of the historic Roe vs. Wade decision.  Please join us in supporting life and protecting the un-born!

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