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Faith & Freedom Coalition Volunteers Key To Victory In North Carolina Special Elections

Duluth, GA – Led by a large turnout of voters of faith, Dan Bishop and Greg Murphy won Special Elections in North Carolina’s Ninth and Third Congressional District.

The national Faith & Freedom Coalition and the North Carolina Faith & Freedom Coalition campaigned to educate and mobilize voters of faith in both districts, contacting over 320,000 voters through distribution of over 50,000 church voter guides, knocking on doors of nearly 17,000 voters, making over 100,000 get-out-the-vote phone calls, and delivering over 65,000 peer to peer messages driving voters to the Faith & Freedom voter guides.

“Once again when evangelical voters turn out in large numbers, conservatives win elections,” said Faith & Freedom Executive Director Tim Head. “Thanks to Faith & Freedom volunteers in North Carolina; our ground game proved its effectiveness in galvanizing voters of faith to go to the polls and help elect like-minded conservatives to Congress.”

The Faith & Freedom data-analytics-driven grassroots “ground game” focused on faith-based voters in both special districts, explicitly targeting those whom the data showed were regular churchgoers, held to a strong faith commitment, and identified as pro-life.

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