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Faith & Freedom Coalition Urges Senate to Pass New Sanctions on Iran

Warns ‘Crippling’ Sanctions Only Way to Avoid Military Action, Criticizes Obama Administration for Opposing Sanctions Bill In a letter to the U.S. Senate, the Faith & Freedom Coalition (FFC) urged Senators to pass legislation imposing additional economic sanctions on Iran to thwart the regime’s ambition to develop a nuclear weapon. FFC founder and Chairman Ralph Reed called on the Senate to pass the Nuclear Iran Prevention Act (H.R. 850), which passed the House with overwhelming bipartisan support on July 31 and was referred to the Senate Foreign Relations and Banking Committees. Reed wrote, “Iran must agree to entirely cease enriching uranium, turn its highly enriched uranium stockpile over to international custody, and agree to invasive and unimpeded international inspection of its nuclear facilities. The best way to bring about this outcome is to impose additional sanctions that show how resolute and unyielding the U.S. and its allies are in preventing the nightmare of a nuclear Iran.” FFC will be directly contacting the leadership of both parties in the Senate and the relevant committee members urging action to report the Nuclear Iran Prevent Act and pass it swiftly. To view the letter to the U.S. Senate, click here.

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