Faith & Freedom Coalition Disapproves of the U.S. Supreme Court Ruling Against Louisiana Abortion Law

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Faith & Freedom Coalition, a pro-life and pro-family organization, is extremely disappointed in the U.S. Supreme Court ruling against the state of Louisiana in the June Medical Services v. Russo case.  Executive Director Timothy Head released the following statement in response. 

“On behalf of the over 2 million pro-life members and supporters of the Faith & Freedom Coalition, we are unspeakably disappointed in the Supreme Court’s decision striking down Louisiana’s requirement that abortionists should have admitting privileges with a nearby hospital to provide immediate care to women suffering the effects of their botched work. June Medical, a chain of LA abortion facilities, is in direct conflict with the women it claims to represent. Louisiana’s law was a reasonable attempt to protect the lives of women who have a botched abortion–especially since many abortionists, like June Medical, have a history of performing dangerous abortions in dirty settings. While this ruling has terrible implications for unborn children and the pro-life community, the real victims are women who will not get prompt and potentially life-saving medical care because of the Court’s decision. We at the Faith & Freedom Coalition believe that everyone, born or unborn, are made in the image of God and deserve to have their life protected. We urge the Supreme Court to consider unborn children and protect their rights to life.” 

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About the Faith & Freedom Coalition

The Faith and Freedom Coalition is a national grassroots movement of over 2 million conservatives and people of faith in support of time-honored values, stronger families, and individual freedom. Learn more about Faith & Freedom at


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