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Beck positions himself as leader for Christian conservatives

Among those surprised by all of conservative TV host Glenn Beck’s recent religious talk – including at Saturday’s Washington rally, where Beck said that “America today begins to turn back to God,” – is the Rev. Richard Land, a Southern Baptist leader. “I’ve been stunned,” said Land, who directs public policy for the Southern Baptist Convention and who attended the Saturday rally at Beck’s invitation. “This guy’s on secular radio and television,” Land said Saturday, “but his shows sound like you’re listening to the Trinity Broadcasting Network, only it’s more orthodox and there’s no appeal for money … and today he sounded like Billy Graham.” Beck’s speeches around his “Restoring Honor” rally have brimmed with religious language: “God dropped a giant sandbag on his head” to push him to organize the rally, he said Friday. On Friday night, Beck held a religion-focused event at the Kennedy Center that was billed as Glenn Beck’s Divine Destiny. To read more click here.

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