2013 Iowa FFC Spring Kick Off a Huge Success!

The 13th Annual Iowa FFC Spring Kickoff is now history.  This exciting event brought together 400 individuals on Monday evening, April 15th, at Des Moines Christian School in Urbandale.  There was a combination of good refreshments, networking and motivation all rolled into one fantastic evening.  We were thrilled that more than two dozen state legislators participated in the event.  These men and women are in our prayers as they “fight the good fight.”

Chairman Ralph Reed of the national Faith & Freedom Coalition gave a stirring presentation challenging people to engage in the fight to maintain our religious and constitutional principles.  Reed made it clear that efforts to deemphasize the social issues, life and marriage, were not open to negotiation.  He further made it clear that backing away from these issues would destroy the Republican Party.   Reed pointed out that 48 percent of 2012 Republican Party voters were evangelical and faithful pro-life Catholics.  How does this political party think they can survive by turning their backs on this key constituency?

We encourage you to partner with us in these crucial efforts to mobilize hundreds of thousands of Iowans to turn out at the polls.

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