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Tell Obama to Reverse His Directive on Public Restrooms – Thank You

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Thank you for signing the petition to Barack Obama. And thank you for standing for the safety of our kids and grandkids. It’s shameful that Barack Obama would put the safety of our kids at risk, just to satisfy the delusions of the mentally-ill transgender minority. But it would be even more shameful if Americans like you and me let him get away with it, because we aren’t willing to fight back. In order to get Obama and his liberal allies in Washington to back down–and realize that the massive backlash they’re facing from voters–we must get this petition signed by 18 million Americans as soon as possible. Your gift today of just $20 to FFC will help get this petition in front of 1,000 more Americans. Your gift of $40 will help us reach 2,000 more, and so on. We can’t win this fight without you Please make your most generous contribution now: