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Support Chestatee High School Prayer

The American Humanist Organization (AHA) has threatened a lawsuit to a Georgia high school for praying before football games.  Chestatee High School in Gainseville, GA excersises their religious freedom by choosing to lead prayers before and after all football games.   After learning of the prayers, AHA chose to bully the school by threatening a lawsuit.  The students response?  they organized a prayer protest on the football field. Tom Scott, Chairman of the GA Faith & Freedom Coalition stated about the issue, “I applaud the students at Chestatee High School for their prayer rally in response to this threat, and I want to thank the coaches and administrators at CHS for not caving to this frivolous attempt at striking down the rights and religious liberties of students here in Georgia. Faith & Freedom Coalition of Georgia will always fight for these rights and to protect religious liberty in our state and nationwide.” Contact the Hall County School System and ask them to support Chestatee High School in leading their prayers before and after football games!

Hall County School System 711 Green St. NW, Gainesville, GA 30501 Phone: 770-534-1080

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