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Statement on the Sentencing Reform and Corrections Act by Tim Head

Statement from Faith & Freedom Coalition Executive Director Tim Head on the announcement today by U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley and other members of the Committee about new provisions and bill cosponsors of the Sentencing Reform and Corrections Act, which passed the committee with bipartisan support in October. “The reintroduction of the Sentencing Reform and Corrections Act is a step in the right direction for ensuring that federal justice reform happens this year. This legislation, along with bills in the U.S. House, provides the best opportunity in many years at the federal level to emulate accomplishments in conservative states such as Texas and Georgia that have made communities safer, cut wasteful government spending, reduced recidivism, and promoted strong families by removing barriers for those working to re-enter society to lead productive lives.” To speak with a representative of Faith & Freedom, please contact Lance Lemmonds at or (202) 341-8610.

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