Statement from Timothy Head on U.S. District Judge Reed O’Connor’s decision to halt the Obama administration’s order that public schools provide bath and locker room access for transgender students

Below is a statement from Timothy Head, Executive Director of the Faith & Freedom Coalition, on today’s decision by U.S. District Judge Reed O’Connor to halt the Obama administration’s order that public schools provide bath and locker room access for transgender students. Judge O’Connor sided with the 13 states and two school districts who filed suit and the order is effective nationwide.

“This decision is a step in the right direction for the rule of law overruling the Obama administration’s attempt to usurp the will of the people and enact their far left agenda through coercion by the U.S. Department of Education. More importantly, the privacy and safety of our public school children will be protected. The states and the school districts who filed this lawsuit have struck the first blow to this federal government overreach and have at least temporarily put a stop to this dangerous policy and precedent.”

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