Faith & Freedom Coalition Founder and Chairman Ralph Reed’s remarks to the Pennsylvania Faith and Freedom Coalition, Fall Reception, October 7, 2024.
Whatever one’s opinion of Donald Trump, whether one likes him or not, whether one cares for his personality or not, it is undeniable that he is the greatest champion of the unborn child to ever sit in the Oval Office. He defunded Planned Parenthood, the only president to do so in your or my lifetime. He was the first president to attend the March for Life. He appointed three stellar conservative Supreme Court justices who gave us the first pro-life majority in nearly a century, leading to the Dobbs decision, and leaving Roe v Wade on the ash heap of history where it belongs. This was the goal we prayed for, worked for, prayed for, and shed tears for over a half century, and it was a goal that we reached only because of the bold and courageous leadership of Donald J. Trump. Other presidents promised to give us such a majority on the Supreme Court, and I am not being critical of them, because many of them were strongly pro-life and did the best they could with a Democratic-controlled Senate. But Donald Trump delivered, and he did so not once, not twice, but three times.
He is running on a platform in 2024 that asserts that the unborn child has an inalienable right to life protected by the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution, which guarantees that no one can be denied life without due process of law. That language in various iterations has been in the Republican party platform for 40 years. It also calls for the passage of a ban on late term abortion, clearly anticipating federal as well as state legislation. Simply put, Donald Trump is the most pro-life president in U.S. history.
Kamala Harris is the most radical pro-abortion candidate in U.S. history. She has promised on Day One to suspend the filibuster in the U.S. Senate and pass with as few as 50 votes an extreme bill that would impose abortion on demand at every stage of pregnancy on the entire nation, simultaneously repealing all common-sense restrictions on abortion passed in the states, including parental consent. No one has ever made such a pledge in our lifetimes, but Kamala Harris has.
Next Harris has promised to suspend the filibuster a second time to pass term limits on Supreme Court justices, which would be imposed retroactively. This radical scheme would force the immediate retirements of three conservative justices: Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, and John Roberts. Harris would then appoint three far-left radicals to the court, including the appointment of a new Chief Justice, and we would lose the Supreme Court for the rest of our lives.
On the moral issue of life, the choice in 2024 could not be clearer. Any pro-life American who isn’t willing to crawl across broken glass to stop Harris’ radical agenda and re-elect Donald Trump owes an apology to the innocent unborn. I pray we make the right decision.