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‘Reclaiming the American Idea’ on November 2

By Kathryn Jean Lopez Speaking of Ralph Reed: His Faith and Freedom Coalition is focused on getting out the vote. They’re spending $500,000 on a radio ad campaign in eighteen House and Senate races. They’re some added help for Sharron Angle, Ken Buck, and Dino Rossi. And they’re targeting Ciro Rodriguez in Texas, Paul Kanjorski in Pennsylvania, Jerry McNerney and Loretta Sanchez in California, Tom Perriello in Virginia, Sanford Bishop and Jim Marshall in Georgia, John Spratt in South Carolina, John Boccieri in Ohio, Allen Boyd and Ron Klein in Florida, John Salazar in Colorado, Leonard Boswell in Iowa, and Lincoln Davis in Tennessee.  FFC is also distributing 16 million voter guides, eight million voter-education mailings, and making over ten million phone calls. Reed, no stranger to mapping out roads to victory, has predicted the “biggest turnout of Evangelical Christians in a midterm election in modern American history.” Why is he so confident? “The overall political environment, the spontaneous combustion of the Tea Party, the fierce backlash against Obama’s policy over-reach, the appeal and quality of our candidates, and what FFC and other groups are doing in terms of unprecedented ground game and get out the vote,” he tells me. Get out the vote. Who’s most successful there determines what Washington will look like come January. This election is a referendum on America – if we want to preserve and protect the country that’s been so exceptional in the history of the world.   Or, what Rubio said. Or what that Mourning in America ad says. Or what Paul Ryan memorably said in March: Obamacare’s “place in history has not yet been decided,” for one thing …

But, odds are, if you’re reading The Corner, you know all that, you’ve seen and heard it and you’re working to turn things around, in your daily life and with Election Day and beyond in mind. Just make sure your neighbors and Facebook friends and anyone you talk with in the coming days do, too!

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