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Ralph Reed on Today’s Supreme Court Ruling

For Immediate Release: June 26, 2015 Contact: David Mohel, (703) 347-9454 STATEMENT BY RALPH REED, CHAIRMAN OF THE FAITH & FREEDOM COALITION (Duluth, GA) Ralph Reed, Chairman and Founder of the Faith & Freedom Coalition released the following statement following today’s Supreme Court Ruling: “Today’s decision is just the latest example of a federal judiciary run amok, legislating from the bench, issuing political edicts masquerading as reasoned interpretation of the law, and trampling on the time-honored values of millions of Americans. In bypassing the democratic process and refusing to allow the issue of marriage to be resolved by the people and their legislators, the Court has insured that the disagreement over marriage will remains polarized due to the imposition of the redefinition of marriage on an entire nation.” Faith & Freedom Coalition has over 1,000,000 members and supporters in all 50 states. FFC advances sound public policy to strengthen the family and marriage, protect innocent life, reduce the tax burden on middle-class families, and lift up the poor and marginalized. The Faith & Freedom Coalition sent direct mail to 6 million voters, made 10 million phone calls, distributed 20 million nonpartisan voter guides, ran 16 million online video ads, and knocked on 500,000 doors of evangelical households in key states in 2014.

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