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President Trump Enjoys 83% Job Approval Rating Among Evangelical Christians

Survey Conducted by Public Opinion Strategies Shows Historic Support for Trump Among Evangelicals

Washington, DC – A new national survey of registered voters has President Donald Trump boasting an 83 percent job approval rating among self-identified evangelical Christians, one of the highest ratings of his presidency. The survey, conducted by Public Opinion Strategies, one of the leading research survey firms in the country, found Trump’s overall job approval at 46 percent, roughly in line with most published polls. Self-identified evangelicals, who cast 81 percent of their votes for Trump in 2016, now approve of his job performance by an even higher number, suggesting they will remain a solid base of support for the President going into the 2020 election.

“Evangelical voters have consistently shown that, outside of base Republicans, they are the most supportive demographic group for President Trump,” said Glen Bolger, co-founder and partner of Public Opinion Strategies. “Their approval rating provides the President with a bedrock base of support.”

Self-identified evangelical Christians comprised 27 percent of all registered voters, according to the survey, making them among the largest constituencies in the electorate. They continue to provide President Trump with historically high job approval numbers. The only demographic group with higher support for Trump were base Republicans, with a job approval rating of 85 percent.

“This survey confirms that President Trump’s support among evangelicals is rock-solid and suggests that support may be growing,” said Ralph Reed, Chairman of Faith & Freedom Coalition, which commissioned the survey. “While we are a long way from the 2020 election, job approval is the single most reliable predictor of voting behavior. In that sense, the 83 percent support may be the floor, and the ceiling could be higher. Trump’s strong economy, his conservative Supreme Court and other federal judicial selection, his unwavering pro-life policies, and his steadfast support for the state of Israel all add up to historic levels of support among evangelicals and conservative Christians.”

Public Opinion Strategies surveyed 800 registered voters on June 1-6, with a 3.46 percent margin of error.

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