Politico: Late-term abortions must end

By Rep. Marsha Blackburn

She was a real heavyweight fighter in the NICU, barely breaking the three-pound mark, having arrived several weeks too early. But she fought, as all preemies do. We saw it from the start – she would cry and flex at every prick and prod, and each breath was labored. But just as she was determined to live, we were determined to see her live. And she does live. She lives gloriously as my 14-year-old beautiful, compassionate, determined niece.

Life’s amazing potential often surprises us and too often we underestimate it. And that sacred connection of witnessing life’s potential compels us to stop turning a blind eye to the scourge of late-term abortions in our great country. That’s why this week, House Republicans will lead the fight to pass the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, to put reasonable limits on dangerous late-term abortions.

Science tells us that unborn babies react to touch as soon as 8 weeks into the pregnancy. They feel pain by 20 weeks. For anyone who has ever seen an ultrasound of an unborn child, it’s clear they have distinct, human characteristics. Doctors have testified they have seen babies on the sonogram flinch and move away from sharp objects during surgical procedures or during abortions to avoid the pain. Technology has advanced and so should our laws to protect women and children.

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