Marco Rubio to Speak at 2012 Faith & Freedom Conference & Strategy Briefing

We are pleased to announce that Florida Senator Marco Rubio will be a featured speaker at the 2012 Faith & Freedom Conference & Strategy Briefing to be held June 14-16 in Washington, DC.

To register for the 2012 FFC Conference, please click here.

Marco Rubio was elected to the U.S. Senate in 2009. Born in Miami to Cuban immigrants, Rubio saw first-hand two hard working parents devoting themselves to achieving the American dream. Since being elected to Senate, he has proudly been on the side of job creators and parents whose mission in life is to build a strong and prosperous America their children will be blessed to inherit.

The Faith & Freedom conference will be one of the year’s largest and most exciting gatherings of conservative grassroots activists. It is an important training and equipping weekend as we advance conservative legislation at the state and federal level, and prepare for the 2012 elections. This year we anticipate over 100 partnering organizations as co-sponsors and participants. Past FFC speakers include Sean Hannity, Gov. Mitt Romney, Gov. Bob McDonnell, Speaker Newt Gingrich, Donald Trump, Rep. Ron Paul, Sen. Rick Santorum, Speaker John Boehner, Rep. Eric Cantor and other members of the U.S. House and Senate.

To register for the 2012 FFC Conference, please click here. You don’t want to miss it!

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