By Gary Marx
In an ongoing invitation to presidential candidates crisscrossing Iowa, Congresswoman Michele Bachmann highlighted gatherings in both Dubuque and Cedar Rapids Monday evening. The Iowa Faith & Freedom Coalition will not be endorsing any presidential candidate. However, we believe it is critical that pro-family Iowans have the opportunity to visit with all the candidates-ask them the “tough” questions-and then make a judgment who earns their support in the 2012 Iowa Caucuses. We are seeing most of these candidates crisscrossing Iowa now in a mad dash to perform well in the Iowa Straw Poll, slated for August 13th in Ames.
Over 100 people packed the home of Ron and Becky Herrig in Dubuque to visit with and hear the vision for a Bachmann presidency. Upwards of 150 people filled the back yard of Bob and Patti Klaus in Cedar Rapids later in the evening.
Michele Bachmann was accompanied by her husband, Marcus. She recapped her youth in Iowa and her appreciation for the values that she learned here. Ms. Bachmann also touched on how important her faith was in developing her value system. Issues ranging from foreign policy (including defending Israel), to the sanctity of marriage to the “life” issue, to the debt limit now being debated in Washington, to the sad state of our educational system, and other subjects were touched on.
In both cities-attendees posed some really great questions. The congresswoman answered all the questions posed to her very directly.
I want to thank Ron and Becky Herrig in Dubuque and Bob and Patti Klaus in Cedar Rapids for being so generous in opening up their homes to host these two house parties. Our appreciation also goes out to them for providing refreshments for all the guests. These faithful supporters of IFFC are indeed appreciated!