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Houston Drops Sermon Subpoenas

Mayor Annise Parker of  the city of Houston announced Wednesday that the subpoenas of sermons from 5 local pastors has been withdrawn.  This controversy has led to a national outcry as a violation of religious freedom.  FFC Executive Director Tim Head stated about the issue, “We are pleased that Mayor Annise Parker has finally told her attorney to withdraw their subpoenas of Houston pastor’s sermons. But honestly, it still is dumbfounding that it ever even got to this point. It appears that we never will get a clear answer from Mayor Parker or anyone else at Houston City Hall about how an elected public servant in the United States of America ever thought it was within her prerogative to require pastors to turn over their teachings for review by their government. If ever anyone questioned the truth of the old adage ‘elections have consequences’, we are witnessing that truth right now in Houston, Texas.” Click here to read more about this issue.

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