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Freedom Works Letter to House Republicans signed by Gary Marx

Earlier this week, Faith & Freedom Coalition joins with other conservative groups in urging House Republicans to pass a budget that balances in ten years or less and which does not raise taxes. The following letter, signed by Gary Marx, presents our case to House Republicans and affirms our commitment to fiscal responsibility in government. The following letter, signed by FreedomWorks, presents our case to House Republicans and affirms our committment to fiscal responsibility in government. Dear House Republicans, President Obama recently proposed a new budget that never balances — not in ten years, not in twenty, not ever. But at least he proposed one, in contrast to Senate Democrats. Nonetheless, and especially in light of the unprecedented accumulation of debt by this administration, it reflects a stunning abdication of fiscal responsibility. In short, it is completely unserious. Now you have the opportunity to produce a serious budget of your own, but it must sharply contrast with the Obama budget. It will be difficult for President Obama’s opponent to set up such a stark contrast if they have to defend a budget that is not serious. We therefore write to suggest a compelling point of contrast: present a budget that balances in ten years or less and does not raise taxes on the American people. As members of the conservative moment, we believe that no budget that fails to meet these two standards can reasonably call itself conservative. At kitchen tables across America, families are making tough choices as they balance their own budgets. The very least Washington can do is to do the same. You will have our strong support, along with the enthusiastic support of our millions of members, and the respect of the American people at large, for doing the right thing. Please don’t settle for anything that doesn’t meet these two criteria. Together, we look forward to working with you to restore fiscal sanity in our great country and avoiding the plight of countries like Greece that failed to rein in their deficit spending. Your Friends, Colin Hanna, President, Let Freedom Ring Matt Kibbe, President, FreedomWorks Morton Blackwell, Chairman, Weyrich Lunch Jim Martin, President, 60 Plus Association L. Brent Bozell III, Chairman, ForAmerica Amy Kremer, President, American Grassroots Coalition Jenny Beth Martin, Co-Founder and National Coordinator, Tea Party Patriots Gary Bauer, President, American Values David Bossie, President, Citizens United Gary Marx, Executive Director, Faith and Freedom Coalition Gary Aldrich, Chairman, Council for National Policy Action, Inc. Dr. Jim Garlow, Chairman, Renewing American Leadership Action Jim Backlin, Vice President of Legislative Affairs, Christian Coalition Eli Lehrer, Vice President, The Heartland Institute Andrew Langer, President, Institute for Liberty Amy Ridenour, Chairman, The National Center for Public Policy Research Matthew Staver, Founder and Chairman, Liberty Counsel Deryl Edwards, President, Liberty Counsel Action Mandi Campbell, Legal Director, Liberty Center for Law and Policy Seton Motley, President, Less Government

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