In just a few short weeks, Wisconsin voters will again head to the polls where they have a clear choice between conservative renaissance or left-wing recession. Wisconsin voters will choose to continue on the path of job growth and economic recovery or to go back to the failed policies that led Wisconsin into its current fiscal disaster. The general elections in key state senate districts across the state will take place on August 9, which is why more than 100 Faith & Freedom Coalition volunteers are hitting the pavement this weekend to turn out the vote in the Badger State.
The Wisconsin Faith & Freedom Coalition will play a big role in supporting Wisconsin’s common sense and responsible governing by encouraging voters in the Badger State to study the issues and go vote for the candidates that most share their values of faith, freedom, and limited responsible government.
The Wisconsin Faith & Freedom Coalition will work to get out the vote the old fashion way, by talking with Wisconsin voters through burning up the shoe leather in door-to-door canvassing across key neighborhoods in senate districts from Milwaukee to Madison. Then, before Election Day on August 9th, we will initiate a full-scale get-out-the-vote phone bank operation to make sure every last pro-freedom and pro-family voter goes to vote on behalf of our values.
Wisconsin Faith & Freedom Chairman, Tony Nasvik, has worked to organize this effort and has said, “General Patton’s rapid advance across the deserts of North Africa or the open fields of Eastern France were not possible without reinforcements. The recall spectacle in Wisconsin is nearing its conclusion in this all-out battle for the State Senate. This recall has been a pitched fight between the public (and in some cases private) unions from all over the country, while most of the ground campaign on the conservative side has been locally supported.”
“As we prepare for the end of this epic battle, we need help from everywhere and anywhere. This fight is about more than Wisconsin’s future, it’s about who controls state budgets and ultimately the federal budget. If the unions win in Wisconsin your state will be under attack. As the federal government tries to maintain political courage, that strength will be sapped with a liberal victory in Wisconsin. We need your help to stop this attack on taxpayers not just here, but across America.”
Please join Tony Nasvik and join the fight with 100 plus FFC activists who will be going door-to-door encouraging the Badger State to vote for candidates who share our values of lower taxes, less government, faith, and who will stand up to union thugs who support Obama’s tax and spend solutions. We need your financial support to make our Wisconsin get-out-the-vote program work.