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Faith & Freedom Commends Trump Administration For Instituting ‘Conscience Rule’ To Protect Rights of Faith-Based Health Providers

Duluth, GA – The pro-life, pro-family, pro-religious freedom Faith & Freedom Coalition praise the Trump administration for issuing the final ‘Conscience Rule’ from the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) to protect healthcare providers, individuals, and other faith-based health care entities from having to provide, participate in, pay for, or refer for services which violate their religious conscience.

“Thanks to President Trump and HHS Secretary Alex Azar for overturning the Obamacare mandate that violated the religious faith and moral convictions of faith-based medical providers,” said Executive Director Tim Head. “This new rule lifts a cloud of fear that has hung over people of faith for nearly a decade, and ensures that doctors, nurses, and other health providers will no longer be subjected to litigation, harassment, and persecution simply for expressing their religious beliefs.”

The ‘Conscience Rule’ will protect health care providers from being forced to participate in medical procedures such as abortion, sterilization, or assisted suicide, procedures which violate the tenets of their religious faith. Faith-based healthcare non-profit organizations such as Little Sisters of the Poor and others will be able to retain their religious beliefs and identity as part of their mission.

“The Conscience Rule fulfills President Trump’s promise from his 2017 Executive Order to promote and protect religious liberty for faith-based organizations to operate within the tenets of their faith without fear of government bureaucrats infringing upon their First Amendment rights,” added Head.

This final Conscience Rule replaces a 2011 rule that has proven inadequate and ensures that HHS implements the full set of tools appropriate for enforcing the conscience protections passed by Congress. These federal laws protect providers, individuals, and other health care entities from having to provide, participate in, pay for, provide coverage of, or refer for, services such as abortion, sterilization, or assisted suicide.

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