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Faith & Freedom Coalition Supports Trump Administration Granting Title X Funds To Health Providers Who Do Not Offer Abortion Services

Washington, DC – The pro-life, pro-family Faith & Freedom Coalition applauded today’s Trump Administration announcement that Title X grant awardees include providers that serve low-income women and do not provide abortion services, representing a cut to the overall funding to Planned Parenthood and other grantees that perform abortions.

“Millions of pro-life Americans support President Trump’s administration for cutting Title X federal tax dollars from funding abortion services provided by Planned Parenthood and other grant recipients,” said Executive Director Tim Head. “Planned Parenthood is the largest abortion provider in the United States, and for decades they have received tens of millions of federal taxpayer dollars from the Title X program to subsidize their abortion services but thankfully today other providers who service low-income women without providing abortion services will also receive funding.”

Planned Parenthood Federation of America, the largest abortion provider in the United States, performing over 300,000 abortions per year, had a total operating budget of over $1.6 Billion in 2018. And, according to their annual report, raked in $563.8 Million in federal taxpayer dollars last year. These federal funds help offset the operating costs of Planned Parenthood’s abortion clinics.

“For decades, multiple Congresses and Presidential administrations, the pro-life movement has fought at least slow, federal tax subsidies for abortion providers—but has failed to do so – until now,” said Head. “President Donald Trump has consistently delivered on his promise to protect innocent human life and today has stopped the unchecked, non-competitive flow of U.S. Department of Health & Human Services Title X grant funds to groups performing abortions in the same offices our tax dollars are renting.”

In addition to greater diversity in Title X grantees, the Trump administration recently enacted a “Protect Life Rule” that ensures the enforcement of Congress’s statutory prohibition on funding programs where abortion is a method of family planning. The new regulation restores Congress’s original intent that taxpayer funds not be used to promote or perform abortions.

The Protect Life Rule says Title X grantees will not be allowed to receive grant funding if they provide abortion services at the same facilities that house Title X family planning programs and removes the requirement that federally-funded family planning clinics offer abortion counseling and referrals. Since sixty percent of Planned Parenthood clinics (266 of 443 service sites) provide abortion and family planning at the same location, they stand to lose millions in Title X funding unless they financially and physically separate their abortion operations from the rest of their services.

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