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Faith & Freedom Coalition Launches Campaign To Confirm Judge Brett Kavanaugh

Duluth, GA – Today the Faith & Freedom Coalition launched the first wave of a campaign to rally millions of faith-based voters across the country to support the confirmation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court.

“The confirmation of Judge Kavanaugh is our number one legislative priority, and so we have launched the first wave of this effort to motivate Christian conservatives to contact their Senators and let their voices be heard in the fight to confirm one of the most highly qualified Supreme Court nominees in U.S. history,” said Executive Director Tim Head.

Faith and Freedom’s campaign includes over one million pieces of mail and over one million emails to conservative Christian households in Montana, North Dakota, Indiana, Missouri, and West Virginia, encouraging voters to contact their Senators and urge them to vote to confirm Judge Kavanaugh. In addition to the direct mail and email campaigns, Faith & Freedom activists from across the country are being galvanized to call their Senator asking them to support Judge Kavanaugh’s confirmation.

“The largest number of voters of faith in U.S. electoral history voted overwhelmingly for President Trump based largely upon his promise to nominate judges such as Brett Kavanaugh,” said Head. “Evangelical and conservative Catholic voters expect that Senators Jon Tester of Montana, Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota, Joe Donnelly of Indiana, Claire McCaskill of Missouri, and Joe Manchin of West Virginia will vote to confirm Judge Kavanaugh as the next U.S. Supreme Court Justice.”

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