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Evangelicals Embrace a Like-minded Pope

The Washington Post Not all Catholics appreciated Pope Benedict XVI’s staunch defense of Christian orthodoxy, traditional marriage and life from conception to natural death. But American evangelicals sure did. As word spread on Monday (Feb. 11) of Benedict’s resignation, many evangelicals lamented the impending loss of a powerful spokesman for their conservative causes. Pope Benedict XVI has exemplified moral courage and an unwavering commitment to the Gospel message,” said Ralph Reed, chairman of the Faith & Freedom Coalition, a conservative Christian political group. “We honor him for his lifelong service to the Lord and his inestimable intellectual contribution to Christian orthodoxy.” The high praise — “evangelical Benedictions,” you might say — extended beyond U.S. borders as well. “I appreciate his courage of ideas, even when they did not resonate with contemporary attitudes,” said Geoff Tunnicliffe, secretary general of the World Evangelical Alliance. “I was especially moved by his boldness in warning us of the dangers of moral relativism and the tyranny of self-centered ideologies.” Click here to read the full article.

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