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Democrats’ 2024 Abortion Blitz Flops in Georgia Supreme Court Race


May 22, 2024 

Faith & Freedom Coalition applauds Justice Pinson’s re-election victory

ATLANTA — The Faith & Freedom Coalition released the following statements today celebrating the re-election of Georgia Supreme Court Justice Andrew Pinson, who defeated challenger John Barrow, a former Democratic congressman from Georgia, in yesterday’s statewide election. 

“Yesterday, Georgia said ‘yes’ to upholding the rule of law and no to political activism on our highest courts,” said Mack Parnell, executive director of the Georgia Faith & Freedom Coalition. “Justice Andrew Pinson won a convincing victory despite massive spending by John Barrow’s campaign, outside liberal groups, the pro-abortion lobby, and Planned Parenthood. Faith & Freedom distributed voter guides to more than 1,000 churches and reached hundreds of thousands of pro-life voters across the state via email, text messages and social media. It made a difference.” 

“The Democratic strategy of placing abortion at the center of the 2024 campaign utterly failed yesterday in Georgia,” said Ralph Reed, Faith & Freedom Coalition chairman and founder. “John Barrow not only lost in rural, ruby red counties—he lost in swing and suburban counties. The abortion scare campaign flopped, and it calls into question the entire Democratic strategy of eking out a victory by scaring suburban voters with abortion.” 

In the months leading up to the election, Faith & Freedom Coalition’s voter education efforts ensured that hundreds of thousands of pro-life Georgia voters were informed of Justice Pinson’s conservative legal record as well as John Barrow’s pro-abortion statements and beliefs. The mobilization of these voters was enough to counter the Barrow campaign’s attacks on Justice Pinson and his defense of Georgia’s heartbeat law, which prohibits elective abortion after six weeks, as the state’s solicitor general. 

About the Faith & Freedom Coalition 

The Faith & Freedom Coalition is a national grassroots movement comprising of nearly three million members across the United States. Dedicated to mobilizing and training people of faith for effective civic action, the coalition advocates for Christian values in the public arena and seeks to influence public policy at all government levels.     

Learn more about the Faith & Freedom Coalition at 

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