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Faith & Freedom Coalition Statement on House Vote for Israel Funding 


February 6, 2023  


Faith & Freedom Coalition Statement  

on House Vote for Israel Funding 


WASHINGTON — The Faith & Freedom Coalition issued the following statement in response to tonight’s vote in the U.S. House of Representatives on a $17.6 billion aid package for Israel. Funding Israeli security is one of the seven policy recommendations outlined in the Faith & Freedom Coalition’s joint letter to Congress last fall, which was co-signed by more than a dozen prominent U.S. faith leaders. Read the full letter here


“A clear majority of the House of Representatives voted tonight for a military aid package for Israel in its war with Hamas, including 46 Democrats,” said Faith & Freedom Coalition Chairman Ralph Reed. “They did so despite the threat of a veto from President Biden, who crossed an ocean after the attacks of October 7th to pledge his full support and claim that he ‘has Israel’s back.’ In December, I joined other faith leaders in calling on Congress to act immediately to pass aid to Israel and urged no further delay in seeking to attach it to other legislative priorities. Israel faces an existential threat in its struggle with terrorism. Their struggle is our struggle, and their foes are America’s foes. On behalf of the 2.7 million members and activists of the Faith & Freedom Coalition, I urge members of both parties in Congress to end the delay and further legislative maneuvering and pass military aid to Israel now.” 


About the Faith & Freedom Coalition 

The Faith & Freedom Coalition is a national grassroots movement comprising of nearly three million members across the United States. Dedicated to mobilizing and training people of faith for effective civic action, the coalition advocates for Christian values in the public arena and seeks to influence public policy at all government levels.     

Learn more about the Faith & Freedom Coalition at

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