Following a successful Iowa Faith & Freedom Coalition Spring Kick-off in Des Moines, Iowa on April 25 that saw 1,500 enthusiastic Iowans come out to hear from 9 prospective 2016 presidential hopefuls, Faith & Freedom Coalition’s “Road to Majority” conference will host Presidential candidates and other speakers at their annual event. The Conference will be held June 18 – 20, 2015 at the Omni Shoreham Hotel in Washington, DC.
The Road to Majority is America’s premier grassroots conference for people of faith, young leaders and conservative activists. The event is an important training and equipping weekend to fight the radical Obama agenda, advance conservative legislation at the state and federal level, and prepare for the 2016 elections. Among the growing list of leaders participating in the event will be announced presidential candidates Sen. Ted Cruz, Sen. Rand Paul, Sen. Marco Rubio, Carly Fiorina, and Dr. Ben Carson, as well as prospective candidates Gov. Jeb Bush, Gov. Chris Christie, Gov. Bobby Jindal, Gov. Rick Perry, and Gov. Scott Walker. Other speakers will include Sen. Ron Johnson, Sen. David Perdue, House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, Rep. Virginia Foxx, Rep. Louie Gohmert, Rep. Steve King, Rep. Tom Price, Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus, former Atlanta Fire Chief Kelvin Cochran, brothers Jason and David Benham, Gary Bauer, Arthur Brooks, Phyllis Schlafly and more. Nationally syndicated radio hosts Bill Bennett and Michael Medved will be broadcasting from the conference.
“The field of candidates this election cycle is large and diverse. But they all know that the only path to the White House is through the faith based community,” said Ralph Reed, founder and chairman of the Faith & Freedom Coalition. “We welcome these leaders to address our members and listen to our concerns.”
Faith & Freedom Coalition Executive Director Timothy Head said, “The energy and engagement levels of faith-based voters have never been higher than right now. This year’s Road to Majority Conference is going to be a unique opportunity for candidates to speak from the heart on the values that have shaped their own lives and how those values would drive their policies and executive decisions.”
Faith & Freedom Coalition has over 1,000,000 members and supporters in all 50 states. FFC advances sound public policy to strengthen the family and marriage, protect innocent life, reduce the tax burden on middle-class families, and lift up the poor and marginalized.
The Faith & Freedom Coalition sent direct mail to 6 million voters, made 10 million phone calls, distributed 20 million nonpartisan voter guides, ran 16 million online video ads, and knocked on 500,000 doors of evangelical households in key states in 2014.
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