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2012 Conference & Strategy Briefing a Huge Success

We just returned to headquarters in Atlanta after hosting our 3rd annual Faith & Freedom Conference & Strategy Session in Washington, DC. More than 1,400 leaders, speakers, and media participated during the three day event, which kicked off with a luncheon featuring Sen. Marco Rubio, Sen. Rob Portman, and Sen. Jim DeMint. Our general sessions included speeches from Glenn Beck, Newt Gingrich, Sen. Rand Paul, Herman Cain, Sen. Mike Lee, Dick Morris, James Robison, Gov. Mitt Romney, and Sen. Rick Santorum. The conference concluded with the Patriot Awards Gala Banquet, where we recognized Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker and Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch with our Courage in Leadership Award. We look forward to coming along side so many newly trained and inspired grassroots leaders who will be working hard between now and Election Day to register, educate and activate a record turnout of conservative voters! Not able to attend? Click here to watch the entire broadcast on C-SPAN. Over 300 media covered this exciting event. View the links below and see what they are saying about the Faith & Freedom Coalition!

POLITICO: Ralph Reed sees a 275-seat GOP majority
THE DAILY: It’s all about Mitt as social conservatives forget primary slugfest and target Obama
VIDEO: Senator Rubio Addresses the Faith & Freedom Coalition Conference
CBN: Romney Woos Christians at Faith & Freedom Summit (VIDEO)
TIMES: Romney Paints Himself as the Anti-Obama
REUTERS: Romney breaks from small-town tour for speech on faith
WASHINGTON POST: Santorum embraces Romney at Faith and Freedom Coalition summit
LOS ANGELES TIMES: Romney: Obama fears Israeli attack on Iran more than Iran nukes
CBS: Romney borrows a page from Santorum
WASHINGTON POST: Romney addresses Faith and Freedom Coalition via video from bus tour
CNN: Santorum to social conservatives: Romney’s message is ‘right on’
GLENNBECK.COM: WATCH: Glenn delivers message of unity and love at Faith and Freedom Conference
MSNBC: Romney woos Christian conservatives, gets Santorum support
One of the highlights of the weekend was a luncheon on Thursday featuring Sen. Marco Rubio and the live telecast of Gov. Mitt Romney to the Conference attendees. Attendees were able to submit questions and have Gov. Romney answer their personal questions for his bus tour. Click here to hear audio from the telecast and special Q&A segment with Gov. Mitt Romney and click here to see what Sen. Rubio had to say at the luncheon! Make sure to watch the video below to see what Fox News had to say about the conference! The Faith & Freedom Coalition has many more exciting events that YOU can be involved in! Save the date so you can attend our Faith & Freedom rally at the upcoming Republican National Convention on Sunday, August 26th, at 2:00 PM in Tampa, FL.  

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