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Dr. Ben Carson, Secretary of Housing and Urban Development

March 3, 2016

Dr. Ben Carson, Secretary of Housing and Urban Development

“I think [Faith & Freedom’s] importance is critical. In 2012, 30 million evangelicals did not vote. If you got just a fraction of those people involved then you could change the outcome. Faith is not a dormant thing; it’s an active thing. I know some people have the attitude of ‘Well, God’s in charge.” But he uses us! So we have to be involved as well.”

Faith and Freedom Coalition

“I think [Faith & Freedom’s] importance is critical. In 2012, 30 million evangelicals did not vote. If you got just a fraction of those people involved then you could change the outcome. Faith is not a dormant thing; it’s an active thing. I know some people have the attitude of ‘Well, God’s in charge.” But he uses us! So we have to be involved as well.”

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