Since 1990, Rosi Orozco has been working on the promotion and defense of human rights, gathering several organizations related to vulnerable people and family strengthening. In 1995 she founded with her husband “Casa Sobre la Roca, A.C” (House on the Rock, Civil Association). In 2007, Rosi helped to open the first shelter to receive and restore girls and teenagers rescued from sexual commercial exploitation in Mexico. In this shelter was developed a specialized model of attention which has been a reference of similar shelters around the world. Today this shelter has a record of more than 200 girls attended and restored successfully. In 2009 she participated as a Congresswoman in the Mexican government. She was elected to lead the “Special commission in the fight against human trafficking”. In this way, she was able to promote the human trafficking law, which was approved in 2012, and established to prevent, punish and eradicate the felony of human trafficking, and promote the assistance of victims of this felony. Right after 2012, she started her organization called “Comisión Unidos VsTrata” (Together against human trafficking), a Mexican NGO focused on the promotion of these values.