Senate Democrats Choose Abortion On Demand

Obstruct Legislation To Stop The Taking of the Lives of Unborn Children After the 20th Week of Pregnancy 

Washington, DC – Today, Democrats in the United States Senate blocked cloture on the “Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act” to curtail elective abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy when medical science shows the child can feel excruciating pain.

“Abortion stops a beating heart and ends an innocent human life and today Democrats in the United States Senate chose to defend purveyors of abortion on demand, instead of the rights of unborn children who can sense pain, many of whom can survive outside the womb,” said Faith & Freedom Coalition Executive Director Tim Head.

Majority Leader Mitch McConnell filed for cloture to end debate and allow a straight up or down vote on this important pro-life legislation to extend legal protections to unborn children nationwide, which passed the U.S. House of Representatives last year.

“The American people understand that the Supreme Court legalized abortion over 40 years ago, however, abortion on demand violates our collective conscience and an overwhelming majority of Americans support common-sense restrictions on abortion, including this legislation to stop the abhorrent practice of taking the life of an unborn child after the 20th week of pregnancy when medical science shows the child can feel pain,” said Head. “Senate Democrats, including Senators McCaskill, Tester, and Heitkamp, who are on the ballot in 2018, voted against this bill to protect unborn children from this dangerous procedure that kills the most innocent among us at a time when they can sense great pain.”

Faith & Freedom Coalition will score each member of the Senate who voted against cloture and for their vote in favor of abortion on demand, and those recorded votes will appear in tens of millions of Congressional Scorecards and voter guides distributed to tens of millions of voters and over 100,000 churches during the 2018 mid-term elections.


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