President Donald J. Trump’s Remarkable Record of Achievement

A Partial List of President Trump’s Accomplishments So Far

You won’t hear this from the dishonest “fake news” media. They like to focus on “fake scandals” – such as their “Trump Colluded with Russia” Hoax or his latest tweets. The “fake news” media won’t tell you what President Trump has actually accomplished in his years in office – which is truly historic. For example . . .

The Trump Economic Record

*According to the U.S. Department of the Treasury:

  • Thanks in large part to TCJA, unemployment is at its lowest rate in nearly a half century.[1]
    • Since November 2016, 24 states have achieved or matched their lowest-ever unemployment rates. [2]
    • Unemployment rates for African Americans, Asian Americans and Hispanic Americans have hit all-time lows. [3]
  • You are earning more and keeping more of your hard-earned money.
    • We are in the midst of a 16-month streak of 3% year-over-year wage growth. [4]
    • The typical family earning $75,000 also received a tax cut of over $2,000. [5]
  • More people are participating in the labor market than ever before – and are more productive as a result of the Trump administration’s economic policies.
    • Labor force participation in November was just below the 6-year high of 63.3%. [6]
    • More adults are at work – with individuals between the ages of 25 and 54 participating in the labor force at the highest rate since 2009[7]
  • Americans are being afforded the financial freedom and flexibility to pursue their version of the American dream.
    • New single-family home sales are up 31.6% in October 2019 compared to just one year ago. [8]
    • The poverty rate fell to a 17-year low of 11.8% under the Trump administration as a result of a jobs-rich environment. [9]
      • Poverty rates for African-Americans and Hispanic-Americans have reached their lowest levels since the U.S. began collecting such data. [10]
    • Over 6 million Americans have left the food stamp program since February of 2017.
    • The Census Bureau’s Current Population Survey’s income inequality measure declined in 2018. [11]
  • American consumers continue to drive economic growth. Real consumer spending grew at a strong 2.9% annual rate in Q3 of 2019, up from the 2.6% pace set during the preceding four quarters. [12]
    • Real disposable personal income grew at a 2.9% annual rate in Q3 of 2019, a total increase of nearly $110 billion. [13]
    • The average pace of annual growth in real disposable personal income per household under the Trump Administration ($2,577) has nearly doubled the pace from President Obama’s expansion period ($1,606). [14]
  • The stock market is reaching unprecedented heights, allowing the average American to put away more money for their retirement.
    • Both the S&P 500 and Dow Jones Industrial Average have seen record highs this fall. [15]
    • Since the fall of 2016, the S&P 500 has increased a whopping 50.3% which means the average American saving for retirement by holding the S&P 500 index saw a more than 50% increase in the value of their retirement plan. [16]
    • According to the 2017 Survey of Consumer Finance, the median retirement account had assets of approximately $60,000 in 2016. [17] If that account were invested in the stock market for the last three years, that $60,000 has increased to approximately $90,000–without including any additional contributions.
    • Through TCJA and other administration actions, our economy is creating jobs at an exceptional pace.
  • Since November 2016, the economy has added more than 7 million jobs.[18]
      • For reference, this is more than the combined 2018 populations of Wyoming, Vermont, Alaska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Delaware, Rhode Island, and Montana.
      • There are 5.1 million more jobs than the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) had projected in its August 2016 report[19]
  • Over the past twelve months, employment growth has averaged a whopping 183,700 jobs a month. [20]
  • According to the most recent data available from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are nearly 1.3 million more job openings than unemployed persons. [21]
  • September 2019 marks the 19th month in a row where there were more jobs available than people to fill them. This is a first since the data series began in the year 2000. [22]
  • Manufacturing has seen a boost – contributing to a #BlueCollarBoom.
    • Since November 2016, the manufacturing sector has added an impressive 524,000 jobs. [23] The National Association of Manufacturers’ survey of the industry hit record levels of confidence under the Trump administration. [24]
    • In November 2019 alone, 54,000 new manufacturing jobs were created. 
  • United States’ growth in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) shows that while other countries have begun to slow down, our economy remains vibrant.
    • U.S. GDP is $320 billion higher than the CBO had projected it would be in 2016. [25]
    • In 2019 so far, the U.S. economy grew 2.4% at an average annual rate, while the rest of the G7 has grown at 1.0%. [26]
  • U.S. companies are bringing money back home from overseas.
    • As a result of TCJA, U.S. companies have brought back close to a trillion dollars from overseas.
      • As reported by Bloomberg as recently as June, corporations have brought back $876.8 billion dollars since TCJA was enacted. [28]
    • The TCJA stemmed the tide of corporate tax inversions by substantially reducing incentives for companies to go overseas.

Why is this happening?

Simple. Unlike Barack Obama, President Trump is not waking up every morning thinking up new ways to attack American businesses. Unlike the socialistic anti-capitalist Obama, President Trump is pro-business and pro-capitalism. As a result, we have returned to Reagan-levels of economic growth.

Ending ObamaCare

When Congress was unable to get the votes to completely END ObamaCare, President Trump cancelled much of ObamaCare on his own. Specifically, President Trump.

  1. Ended the billions of dollars in illegal taxpayer subsidies for insurance companies.
  2. Made it easier for lower and middle income folks to buy health insurance by allowing people to buy plans off the exchanges that are half the cost of the ObamaCare Bronze plans.
  3. Gave the green light to the formation of association and co-op plans, which would allow small businesses and even individuals to group together across state lines, giving them the same purchasing clout as large multi-state employers.
  4. Announced the IRS will no longer fine people who don’t have health insurance because, if they can’t afford the health insurance, they probably can’t afford the fines either.
  5. Ended the outrageous Obama requirement that you must purchase health insurance that includes coverage for abortions.

Upon President Trump’s urging, Congress ended the ObamaCare mandate that all individuals must purchase a government-approved health insurance plan, which Congress then passed.

President Trump continues to push weak Republicans in the U.S. Senate to keep their promise to completely repeal and replace ObamaCare.

Securing America’s Borders

  • Illegal border crossings have dropped 35 % under President Trump. In fact, illegal aliens are now leaving America on their own. President Trump is doubling the number of border patrol officers.
  • President Trump has declared war on the 10,000 ultra-violent MS-13 gang members who are in the United States. Most of these gang members came to the United States during President Obama’s “open border” policies – when President Obama deliberately ignored U.S. immigration law in order to create more voters for his socialist agenda.

Stopping Our Government from Punishing Christians for Their Faith

  • President Trump’s issued an Executive Order prohibiting the U.S. government from discriminating against Christians or punishing expressions of faith, affirming First Amendment protections for religious freedom. This Executive Order also requires the U.S. government to vigorously protect and defend religious freedom and public expressions of religious faith.
  • This Executive Order ends the Obama Administration’s illegal misuse of the Justice Department and other federal agencies to prosecute and persecute Christians who express their faith.

Destroying ISIS and Making America Strong Again

  • President Trump is allowing America’s generals to decide how to destroy ISIS. Since President Trump took office in January, every ISIS stronghold in Iraq has been destroyed. Because of attacks on ISIS ordered by President Trump and his generals, the founder and leader of ISIS Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is now dead (SOURCE: Newsweek) and the entire leadership of ISIS has been decimated. ISIS is in retreat everywhere. More than 50,000 ISIS fighters have been killed since President Trump was sworn into office. ISIS is now a shell of what it was when it grew to prominence under the weak and feckless leadership of President Obama.
  • President Trump applied very tough economic sanctions and military pressure on the North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un. The result: Kim agreed to end his nuclear weapons program, allow inspections of his nuclear sites to make sure they really are shut down, and has ended North Korea’s 68-year state of war with South Korea. We don’t yet know if the North Korean dictator will follow through with what he agreed to. But we can be confident President Trump will hold Kim Jong-un accountable to his promise. President Trump is proving every day that “peace through strength” works.
  • President Trump has reversed President Obama’s policy of allowing transgendered people to serve in our military because the military is no place for progressive social experiments. Instead of spending billions of dollars on special health care needs for transgendered soldiers, President Trump has decided this money is better spent on weapons and soldiers who are fit for duty.
  • After years of cuts to our military under President Obama, President Trump has signed into law the largest increase in defense spending since the Reagan years.
  • President Trump is calling our enemy its proper name – radical Islamic terrorism.
  • President Trump has defeated ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

Transforming America’s Courts

  • After years of President Obama packing our federal courts with more than 400 radical Left federal judges, President Trump has been appointing more than 150 solid Constitutionalists to our federal courts, including Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court – both solid conservative Constituionalists in the tradition of the late Justice Antonin Scalia and Justice Clarence Thomas. Just imagine the kinds of radical anti-Christian judges and Supreme Court Justices we would be getting if Hillary Clinton had been elected President.

Protecting the Right to Life

  • President Trump has given states the option to deny Planned Parenthood access to Medicaid and other federal grant money because Planned Parenthood uses this money to facilitate its conducting of more than 328,000 abortions per year at Planned Parenthood’s abortion mills.
  • President Trump has ordered a halt to all U.S. taxpayer money going to international organizations that fund or perform abortions.

Vice President Mike Pence

  • President Trump chose Governor Mike Pence as his Vice President. He could not have picked a more rock-solid conservative. In fact, all of President Trump’s key appointments have been rock-solid conservatives. This is essential because “Personnel is Policy.”

Breaking Up the Left’s Control of Education in America

  • President Trump has directed our conservative Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos to end the anti-Christian so-called “common core” curriculum that was aggressively promoted by Obama.

Establishing Law and Order in America

  • In sharp contrast to President Obama’s rhetorical war on America’s police, President Trump is outspoken in his support for America’s police and has offered cities federal support to crack down on violent crime in our city streets. The result: Murders and violent crime are dropping in most cities under President Trump instead of rising as was happening under Obama.

And this is just a partial list of what President Trump has actually accomplished so far as President.

ACTION STEP: Copy this list and share it with your friends and relatives. They might not know much of this.

[1] U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. “The Employment Situation – November 2019.”  December 6, 2019. Available:

[2] U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. “State Employment and Unemployment – October 2019.” November 19, 2019. Available:

[3] U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. “The Employment Situation – November 2019.”  December 6, 2019. Available:

[4] Ibid.

[5] The White House. “Out with the Old, In with the New: Tax Cuts and Reforms that Look Out for Hardworking Taxpayers.” April 17, 2018. Available:

[6] U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. “The Employment Situation – November 2019.”  December 6, 2019. Available:

[7] Ibid.

[8] U.S. Census Bureau. “Monthly New Residential Sales, October 2019.”  November 26, 2019. Available:

[9] U.S. Census Bureau. Income and Poverty in the United States: 2018.  September 10, 2019. Available:

[10] Ibid.

[11] Ibid.

[12] U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis. “Gross Domestic Product, Third Quarter 2019 (Second Estimate); Corporate Profits, Third Quarter 2019 (Preliminary Estimate).” November 27, 2019. Available:

[13] Ibid.

[14] Ibid.

[15] S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC, S&P 500 [SP500], retrieved from FRED, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. December 6, 2019. Available:

[16] Ibid.

[17] Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.  Survey of consumer Finances. October 31, 2017. Available:

[18] U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. “The Employment Situation – November 2019.”  December 6, 2019. Available:

[19] Congressional Budget Office. An Update to the Budget and Economic Outlook: 2016 to 2026. August 23, 2016. Available:

[20] U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. “The Employment Situation – November 2019.”  December 6, 2019. Available:

[21] U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. “Job Openings and Labor Turnover – September 2019.”  November 5, 2019. Available:

[22] Ibid.

[23] U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. “The Employment Situation – November 2019.”  December 6, 2019. Available:

[24] National Association of Manufacturers. “Manufacturers’ Outlook Survey: Third Quarter 2019.” September 23, 2019. Available:

[25] U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis. “Gross Domestic Product, Third Quarter 2019 (Second Estimate); Corporate Profits, Third Quarter 2019 (Preliminary Estimate).” November 27, 2019. Available:

[26] Haver Analytics and Office of Economic Policy calculations, Statistics Canada, Institut national de la statistique et des etudes economiques, Deutsche Bundesbank, Instituto Nazionale di Statistica, Cabinet Office of Japan, U.K. Office for National Statistics.

[27] The National Bureau of Economic Research. “US Business Cycle Expansions and Contractions.” September 20, 2010. Available:

[28] Dmitrieva, Katia, and Laura Davison. “Corporate America is Repatriating a Fraction of Corporate Profits.” June 20, 2019. Available: