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“Obama a drag on Democrat candidates…in Illinois”

Illinois voters say they would be negatively influenced if a candidate was endorsed by Barack Obama. And if his support isn’t an asset in his home state it’s hard to imagine where it is.

Palin’s Courtship of Female Voters Puts Dems on Alert

If Sarah Palin runs for president in 2012, she’ll have the building blocks of a coalition that extends beyond her star power – and even Democrats have taken notice.

Who’s Really the Extremist?

Obama’s “Recovery Summer” goes bust

The White House didn’t count on a summer swoon. Then again, it has suffered bouts of premature and unfounded economic optimism before, a malady that has led it to make a number of losing bets and faulty assumptions—which, in turn, have created an even worse environment for growth and jobs.

Reed’s Coalition Strikes A Chord

While the tea party movement may be geared toward voters upset with the Obama administration over fiscal matters, Ralph Reed’s year-old organization, the Faith and Freedom Coalition, is an outlet for conservative voters who care about a range of issues.

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