Faith & Freedom held a forum with several presidential candidates in attendance. Politico reported:
Washington’s annual social conservative cattle call, a three-day event hosted by the Faith & Freedom Coalition, has so far amounted to a message test for a dozen Republicans running for president, each tailoring rhetoric they hope resonates among the religious right.
Some quoted scripture and others hewed closely to their stump speeches. But the ones who found particular favor with their audience — a potent force in GOP primary politics — described a conservative Christian community under siege by government, Democrats and an increasingly godless society.
Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal warned of an “assault on religious liberty” in America. Paul called it “a sickness.” Bush said freedom of religion was “under attack.” But few were more hot-blooded than Cruz, who argued that a recent battle in Indiana over a religious freedom law — ripped by opponents as an attack on gay rights — exposed many of his Republican competitors as weak-kneed.
“More than few Republicans, sadly, even more than a few Republican running for president in 2016, chose that moment to go rearrange their sock drawer,” he said. Cruz referenced William Barret Travis, who, according to legend, drew a line in the sand with his saber to determine which of his men were willing to die defending the Alamo. “You choose which side of the line you’re on,” Cruz said.