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GA Faith & Freedom Legislative Luncheon

Last Thursday, the GA Faith & Freedom Coalition hosted its first ever Legislative Luncheon at the state Capitol. Speakers at the sold out event included leaders such as Insurance Commissioner Ralph Hudgens, Secretary of State Brian Kemp, Lieutenant Governor Casey Cagle, Representative Sam Teasley, Speaker David Ralston, and Attorney General Sam Olens. The crowd was absolutely energized by Representative Sam Teasley, as he explained the Preservation of Religious Freedom Act he introduced in the House. HB 1023 is probably the most misunderstood bill of this Session, as it mirrors the current federal Religious Freedom Restoration Act, or RFRA, that passed in the 90’s. State Senator Josh McKoon, who authored the similar Senate bill, SB 377, also attended. After a court ruling that stated the protections were only applicable to citizens dealing with the federal government, state governments scrambled to pass similar legislation to apply to state courts and agencies. To read more about the bill and the manufactured controversy, click here. As of now, neither bill has come up for a vote in either Chamber. It has already become law in 29 other states.


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