FFC 2011 Election Day Wrap Up – Conservative Victories Across the Country

1. Conservative Renaissance in Virginia Continues as Conservatives now set the Agenda in the State Senate; House Conservatives expand their Majority by picking up seven seats!

For the past couple of weeks, FFC has worked to get out the vote the old fashion way, by activating our grassroots networks to distribute voter guides in key states and districts throughout the nation but with most of our attention focused on Virginia where we hoped to build a conservative majority in the State Senate and elect more conservatives in the house. Not only did we win two key state senate races to win control of the State Senate but seven new house seats were won including knocking off the Democratic minority leader who had been a thorn in the side of conservative Gov. Bob McDonnell who has been leading Virginia’s conservative renaissance.

In addition to our ground game, we had initiated a full-scale air defense through conservative voter guides and mail and a laser focused get-out-the-vote phone bank operations to make sure every last pro-freedom and pro-family voter turned out to vote on behalf of our values. We plan to make the voter guide distribution as done in Virginia a model for other states moving forward into the 2012 election cycle.

Congratulations to the entire team of grassroots leaders in Virginia who helped in our Faith & Freedom Coalition voter education and activation campaign!

2. Ohio: Obamacare Individual Mandate rebuffed in Stinging Defeat in the Buckeye State; Spending Control Ballot Measure taken down by Big Labor an Ohio election dominated by union turnout, even a traditional part of the democratic machine rejected, Issue 3, the big government Obamacare mandate by a two to one margin. The Obama White House must now realize behind closed doors just how unpopular their health care reform policy has become across the nation not just with conservatives and Tea Party activists but with every demographic group including hard core union supporters who turned out in droves yesterday across Ohio.

Unfortunately, on Issue Two, the public employee unions spent $28 million to successfully repeal the collective bargaining reform provisions of Senate Bill 5 that sought to bring common sense reform to the budget. Sadly, the news for Ohio’s budget and spending crisis could not be worse as conservative Gov. John Kasich must now go back to the drawing board and find new ways to jump start the Ohio economy and begin creating jobs.

3. Mississippi State House likely falls into GOP control for the first time since Reconstruction era in 1870’s.

At this early hour with close races and potential recounts in the near future, it looks likely that conservative GOP’ers gained control of the Mississippi House of Representatives in an historic victory. Moreover, conservative Lt. Gov. Phil Byrant overwhelmingly won the governorship following in the footsteps of FFC’s good friend Haley Barbour who was term-limited. To round out the strong showing for conservatives in Mississippi, they also increased their majority in the senate by at least one seat last night.

Thank you for supporting the Faith & Freedom Coalition as we spearheaded turnout of pro-freedom and pro-family conservative voters to the polls yesterday in key states like Virginia, Ohio, New Jersey and Mississippi. I believe that this 2011 election is yet more of a foreshadowing of what to expect as conservatives gear up to rush to the polls in 2012 and send a message to President Barack Obama, Majority Leader Harry Reid, the media and the left-wing Washington D.C. establishment!

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