Faith & Freedom Will Score Vote On S. 109 To Establish Permanent Government Wide Ban of Taxpayer Funding For Abortion

Duluth, GA – The pro-life, pro-family Faith & Freedom Coalition notified members of the U.S. Senate that today’s vote on the motion to proceed on S. 109 the “No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion and Abortion Insurance Full Disclosure Act” will appear in tens of millions of Congressional Scorecards and voter guides distributed in over 100,000 churches.

S. 109 would establish a permanent, government-wide prohibition of taxpayer funding for abortion.

“Every human life is sacred and it is time Congress replaced the patchwork quilt of appropriations “riders” with a comprehensive prohibition on federal funding for abortions,” stated Executive Director Tim Head. “S. 109 will create a permanent, government-wide prohibition on abortion funding so that not one taxpayer dollar goes toward the destruction of innocent human life and it is fully consistent with the views of the overwhelming majority of Americans.” 

In addition to establishing a government-wide ban on federal funding for abortion, the legislation would: prohibit funding for health benefits coverage that includes coverage of abortion with funds authorized or appropriated by Federal law; prohibit abortion in federal health facilities (such as DOD and VA hospitals) and ensure that no federal employee provides abortion services in the course of their employment.

The legislation would also make permanent the provisions of the DC Hyde Amendment, or the Dornan Amendment, which clarifies that the federal provisions regarding abortion funding also apply to the government of the District of Columbia; ensure that elective abortion is not deductible for tax purposes; and ensure that Affordable Care Act premium assistance subsidies provided in the form of refundable tax credits are not used to pay for health insurance plans that include abortion, except in cases of rape, incest, or the life of the mother.

The full letter distributed to members of the U.S. Senate today can be viewed HERE.



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