Washington, DC – Ralph Reed, Chairman of the Faith & Freedom Coalition, issued the following letter to members of the U.S. House Republican Conference today, announcing Faith & Freedom’s support for H.R. 1 the “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act ” and its inclusion as a “key vote” to cut taxes as part of the Faith and & Freedom Coalition Congressional Scorecard for the 115th Congress that will distributed in 117,000 churches nationwide in 2018.
In the letter to House members, Reed stated, “America’s families have already waited too long for tax reform that enables them to keep their hard earned dollars and care for their families. We must not fail them. We look forward to working with you to pass tax reform and strongly support efforts to simplify the code so that it is fairer for families and individuals, while also encouraging the economy to grow, leading to the creation of more jobs and higher wages.”
The letter also states that Faith & Freedom will score a vote in favor of the legislation as a key vote in the Congressional Scorecard which will be distributed to millions of voters of faith in 2018, “on behalf of the over one and a half million members of the Faith & Freedom Coalition, I urge you to vote YES on the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, H.R. 1. A vote for this bill is a vote to continue the process of fundamental tax reform that Republicans have promised and America’s hardworking families desperately deserve.”