Faith & Freedom Coalition Applauds JD Vance as 2024 GOP VP Nominee

Today, Faith & Freedom Coalition Founder and Chairman Ralph Reed released the following statement in response to President Trump’s 2024 Vice Presidential nominee, J.D. Vance:

“We are thrilled by Senator J.D. Vance’s selection as the 2024 Republican nominee for Vice President. Sen. Vance is a man of deep Christian faith and strong conservative principles guided by his love of God, country, and his family. Christian voters across America can take great comfort in his selection. Our shared pro-life and pro-family convictions will have a strong advocate working alongside President Trump in the White House. The challenges facing America demand courageous leadership. Like President Trump, J.D. Vance knows how to fight for his beliefs and speak common sense and the truth without apology. Both President Trump and Sen. Vance have our highest vote of confidence and will remain in our prayers throughout their journey ahead.”

About Faith & Freedom Coalition 

The Faith & Freedom Coalition is a national grassroots movement comprised of nearly three million members across the United States. Dedicated to mobilizing and training people of faith for effective civic action, the coalition advocates for Christian values in the public arena and seeks to influence public policy at all government levels.   

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