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Ralph Reed’s comeback – with a little help from his friends Newt and Karl

Ralph Reed beamed in the back corner of the colonial ballroom at Washington, DC’s Mayflower Hotel as Republican Congressman Lynn Westmoreland spoke. Reed clapped the loudest as Westmoreland laid out the plan for social conservatives to get involved in November’s mid term elections.

As GOP diversifies, South Carolina is rising

The libretto of this operatic election season, understandably promoted by Democrats and unsurprisingly sung by many in the media, is that Republicans have sown the seeds of November disappointments by nominating candidates other than those the party’s supposedly wiser establishment prefers. This theory is inconvenienced by two facts: South Carolina’s Nikki Haley and Tim Scott.

Remembering where I was

At 8:46 a.m. on September 11, 2001, I was pouring a cup of coffee in the break room of my office when my wife called. She was watching cable news and reported that apparently a small plane had hit the World Trade Center in New York city. I turned on the television set moments after the second plane hit the south tower. I instantly knew this was no accident.

Charlie Crist cannot win

In a year where most predictions are downright silly, I am very confident in that one. When Kendrick Meek won last Tuesday, with his victory went Charlie Crist’s chances. Democrats who want to beat Marco Rubio should jump on the Meek train.

Kasich leads Gov race in Ohio; Strickland stuck in the 30’s

The latest Rasmussen Reports statewide telephone survey of Likely Voters shows Kasich picking up 47% support while Strickland draws the vote from 39%. Seven percent (7%) prefer another candidate in the race while another seven percent (7%) are undecided.

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